It goes without saying that a happy workforce is a productive workforce. When employees arrive each day at an upbeat, healthy environment, the results can be reflected in the bottom line. If they walk into a drab and uninspiring office all the time, it can have a negative impact on productivity. It’s important to create a work atmosphere that makes your staff feel welcome, wanted and appreciated, and here are five tips to get you started:
1. Go Ergonomic
Creating a comfortable work environment is essential to making sure that your employees feel their best throughout the workday. An ergonomic work environment is the ideal way to achieve this. Be sure there is enough space between workstations and that employees can easily maneuver from space to space to common areas such as meeting points and copy rooms. In addition, it’s essential that each employee has a comfortable workstation. This includes the option of a standing desk, appropriate seating that swivels or rolls and provides for optimal comfort, and ample space to perform the tasks at hand while accommodating visitors
2. Let There Be Light…and Air
The proper lighting can have an enormous impact on any work environment. Whether you employ desk lighting, floor lamps or ceiling lighting, it’s important that the light you cast is not too harsh or too subtle. Rely on natural lighting as much as possible; this means using skylights, if available, and opening blinds, shades or window dressings to allow the sun to shine indoors. In addition, it’s crucial to provide for fresh air in the office setting. Make sure ventilation systems are clean and functioning properly. Propping open a door or cracking windows to let the fresh air indoors can also be stimulating and make for a more pleasant, naturally enhanced work environment.
3. Promote Fitness
A healthy body also makes for a healthy mind…and a productive employee. Make sure your office environment promotes fitness at every opportunity. Encourage movement inside the office and out. Encourage employees to step away from their desks when feasible to walk around or take a short outdoor stroll. Make stairways accessible as an option over elevator use. Designate an area for bicycle storage for employees who want to bike to work. Offer gym memberships or discounts. Promote physical activity at every turn, and you’ll play an active role in creating a healthier, happier workforce.
4. Inspire Through Design
There’s nothing less inspiring than working in an environment that’s devoid of color, texture or visual appeal. Designing your office setting is the ideal opportunity to showcase creativity while inspiring productivity among your employees. Use color to enliven the space, and employ texture to complement the design. Add artwork, plants, window treatments and design elements to the interior space, and take every opportunity to let the outdoors in with movable window coverings. The finished product will reflect your good taste, and make for a work environment that promotes healthy, positive attitudes and overall worker well-being.
5: Boost Collaboration
Whether you have opted for an open floor plan or individual, separate workstations in your office design, it’s essential to promote a collaborative workspace design that puts the accent on teamwork to get things done. Consider creating larger, open spaces that welcome employees to gather, discuss work, take breaks or meet informally. These spaces should feature comfortable couches, chairs or benches and small tables for beverages and computers. These common areas are perfect for client meetings, impromptu gatherings and informal strategy sessions.
Looking for insight on how to turn your office space into a compelling, welcoming design that puts worker well-being first? Contact Office Furniture Direct today. We will work with you to assess your needs and determine how best to achieve your ideal workspace!